
After volunteering for a weekend to learn what this sport is all about, PEAA held our first CKC Sprinter test in conjunction with the Foothills Gazehound Club on Oct 3-4, 2020. Sprinter is a newer sport created in 2018 by the Canadian Kennel Club that is quickly gaining in popularity. It is based on the sighthound-only sport of lure coursing…but all breeds get to play in Sprinter! It is a 100 metre straight race where the dog chases a “bunny” which is just 3 white plastic bags tied to the string. The dog has 60 seconds to complete the 100 metre course and then their time is converted into points. As they accumulate points, they can earn the CKC titles of Novice Sprinter, Sprinter, Advanced Sprinter, and Sprinter Excellent.

We hope to host more events in the future, so check back here for news or join our PEAA Sprinter Facebook page!